Sunday, May 26, 2013

The thrifter is born

Well, I don't really know what I'm doing, but I figure I'll jump on this blog train before there is something more complicated that I'll have to learn.  I don't have a very interesting life when it comes down to it... well I think it's interesting (I suppose that's good), but I don't know if others will think it is interesting.  I'm married to a freaking awesome guy!  We have more fun together than I ever thought was possible, whether we are sitting on the couch playing an intense one on one game of Settlers of Catan, scoping out good yard-sales or thrift stores no matter what town we are in,  or road-tripping to San Diego.
Speaking of yard sales and thrift stores, we are kind of obsessed!  In fact we buy probably 90% of our things used... We (mostly me) have a really hard time buying anything new.  I supposed this habit formed right as I was going through my divorce.  I had just moved, had no job, zero dollars, a mountain of debt, a hole where my heart belonged,  and was starting to go back to school again.  I looked around my empty house (generously offered to me by my older brother and sister-in-law at a mere fraction of the price), and realized that if I wanted it to feel like a home that I could recover in, I would need to furnish it.  So, the thrifter inside me was born!
I ended up being able to furnish my entire home for less than 200$, here are a few quick pictures of that...
 The couch was an amazing Craigslist find for 100$ but the guy also threw in a dresser that I ended up selling for 45$.
 Coffee table (free on side of road), Side tables, 4$ each. The rug was on clearance at BB&B for 19$, (I had a bit of credit there from returning my wedding china... yikes!)
Kitchen Table was a gift from my sweet sister-in-law. Art work all less than 5$.

Obviously some work had to be done to everything... Lots of sanding and painting was in order! 

So this was the start of my thrifting, and now it has kind of spiraled out of control.  I am now happily remarried (obviously) and living in a new home with Jayson.  And who knew... he is a thrifter at heart too.  So I think that I will use this blog to showcase some of our best thrift store treasures, and some of the ways we use them as they are, and/or upcycle them .  

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